The Clearinghouse for International Computing
The following robotics product is offered on a limited support
basis: quantities are limited and no new development is planned
for this product.
Robi Hero Apple Handshake $199
Robi Hero Apple Handshake offers a complete interface between
the Heath Zenith Hero 1 Robot and Apple ][ computers. Software
is included for transferring files between the robot and computer.
Files may also be stored to disk. The software is provided in
DOS 3.3. format, with source code included for those who customize.
The hardware includes 4 8-bit ports. Two ports connect to the
two parallel ports on Hero's experimental board; the two remaining
ports offer expansion possibilities. Robi has been used to directly
control Hero's arm motors from the Apple ][. Robi has also been
directly connected to Hero's speech synthesis board for Apple
][ speech synthesis.
Robi will communicate with any device that accepts TTL I/O.